About Us


Why AlikeLike? Where did the idea come from?


In 2001, Teri's shy, bachelor uncle retired and she knew he would be losing much of his social circle.  She was afraid he would become lonely and stay at home. 

At about the same time, another outgoing, older friend of hers retired and, soon afterward, had a break up of a long-term relationship. The friend needed to find different groups to spend time with.

Teri, herself, has many interests that her friends and family don't share, and wanted to find a way to meet others with the same interests.

More recently: Studies have shown that loneliness is reaching epidemic proportions worldwide (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170805165319.htm. It is estimated that 35% of older Americans are lonely(https://www.aarp.org/research/topics/life/info-2014/loneliness_2010.html).   

See Teri's blog post for more links to articles about this subject.

Making new friends feels good, and is good for you (https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/friendships/art-20044860).


Make New Friends

AlikeLike's goal is for members to share what they love to do with others and then take their online activities offline, by meeting in person with group members, and decreasing reliance on technology for social interaction. 

Basic Rules (so far):

  • Everyone is welcome (18+ yrs old, for now).
  • Play nice (or you'll be kicked off/blocked/suspended).
  • Be active. The more you learn, do, and share, the better your interest groups will be.
  • Your personal information is never shared.

Benefits of Membership

  • Spending time doing what you love to do with others who love it too
  • Opportunities for meeting new people, and enlarging your social circle/network.
  • Special discounts and events, online and offline. 
  • Increasing your life satisfaction (and, hopefully, having less loneliness in the world). 
  • Earn badges for more benefits. 

We're passionate about what we like to do, just like you. 

Share your interests (See button) and fund the app (scroll down), to make new friends.


How Does It Work?

1. Share 3-5 things you like to do, and a little more (to start). https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/276BX7K

2. Get authenticated (This gets rid of 'bots and creeps)

3. Join groups of people that love to do the same things you do.

4. Discuss, share, and learn more about your interests with people as passionate about them as you are. Earn interaction ratings from others for badges.

5. When enough people join an interest group in a geographic area, the app will suggest planning an in-person group event or activity. These activities can organized by individuals, groups, AlikeLike or partners/sponsors. 

6. Users recommend non-profits and retail partners for the site to earn badges.

Who Pays?

Non-profits and retail partners pay for the direct marketing they do through the website, as well as percentages of click-through shopping sales. Marketing opportunities are great because the groups are pre-sorted by interest.  

You Can Help. How?

Whether you help by sharing what you like to do, through monetary donations, volunteering your time and expertise, or spreading the idea through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you. 


I want to help

Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

You are the best! We just gave you a clapping round of applause in our minds.